Written by Jo Wilson - Director & Diversity
Consultant - Unity in diversity CIC
It is not just one, but many people who
have inspired me through my life.
As educators, I feel it is
important for us to make the younger generation aware of our
arms reach heroes, in the hope that they too will feel that they
could achieve
If I was to ask "Who was the first
Black Mayor of Gt Britain?"
You may answer, John Archer, elected
Mayor of Battersea 1913.
But in fact it was noted, that
nine years earlier, in 1904, "Dr Allan Glaisyer Minns, a
coloured man from West Indies, (Bahamas) was elected Mayor of
the borough of Thetford, Norfolk".
Dr Minns, did so much for the town of
Thetford including Campaigning for the rights of the
ordinary people who were suffering from the appalling conditions of
the work house. He made it his duty to improve their health and
Wellbeing. This alongside his role as a Magistrate and other
responsibilities required of a Mayor.
He was an educated man, who came as an
immigrant to the town of Thetford and gained the respect of the
local community. A realistic notion and personal to me as my father
Simon Gordon also had a similar journey. He
too, an educated man, came as an immigrant from the West Indies and
won the respect of the local people, both as a businessman and for
the contribution he made to the local community.
A Black man... paving the way for
others like you and I.
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